FinOPs and All That You Need To Know From DevOps Perspective

FinOps tools help cloud based organizations allocate resources and achieve their business goal effectively. Read the full the article to get an understanding of FinOps.

All About FinOps from a DevOps Perspective

Modern day businesses always try to integrate new practices to make their businesses more efficient, cost-effective, and consumer friendly. Ever wonder as DevOps what happens when someone forgets to shut down a sizable project on the cloud? The goal of FinOps is to prevent any kind of financial disaster by improving the cloud infrastructure by monitoring everything.


FinOps is not only cost-effective but it tends to make the dev team work smarter and smarter to deliver quality work. FinOps practices also lead the way to a better customer experience. Read the full article to understand everything about FinOps from a DevOps perspective.

What is FinOps?

FinOps ( Financial Operations) is a practice adapted for cloud models to optimize the cost of business. All of the FinOps operations happen in a collaborative manner to effectively reduce expenditures while maintaining the same quality. FinOps does the same thing to financials as DevOps does to development.

Financial Operations

FinOps is a very effective cost management practice and its implementation is dependent on tools of the cloud and an understanding of operations.  It provides extensive information about spending where the money is used, why is it used, and who is responsible.

Phases of FinOps Implementation

FinOps distributes its work in phases like DevOps. All of these phases are repeated until the set goal is achieved. Following are the phases of FinOps.


In this phase, all the necessary information about the operations of different teams and departments is gathered. This information includes operation size, cost, and forecast. This phase helps estimate the total expenditures and all the other information like where they are coming from and where will be used. This phase of gaining knowledge and controlling resources gives stakeholders a clear view of everything going on.

Detailed information helps the FinOps team to keep an eye on every small and big expenditure and optimize all unnecessary expenditures. It also helps them estimate the business value.


After the necessary information is collected, the optimization phase begins. In this phase, a deep analysis of the gathered information is conducted. This analysis helps the FinOps team to separate liabilities. Once all unnecessary expenditures are identified all these expenses are cut down by using different methods. Some unnecessary projects are shut down to invest in good projects.

The FinOps team also optimizes team size and tools used to optimize the cost of a project rather than shutting the whole project down. These optimizations make these teams achieve their goal smartly.


In this phase, the FinOps team monitors all the cloud utilization to ensure the achievement of a set goal. The FinOps team also helps teams overcome their problems to ensure they reach their goal. All the information regarding progress of teams is also shared with stakeholders to show them business progress.

What are FinOps Tools?

Various tools are needed to track the billing, invoices, expenditures, and tracking progress. Different enterprises use different FinOps tools to help the FinOps team go over the above explained three phases. These tools are used to track progress of different departments and teams in an organization, estimate expenditures, track cloud usage, and create detailed reports.

These tools provide all the necessary information needed to optimize and operate. Team sizes, cost, and cloud usage is all decided on the basis of the data provided by these tools. Moreover projects are shut down on the basis of information provided by FinOps tools.

Features of FinOps Tools 

Here are some of the amazing features of FinOps tools that help FinOps teams Inform, Optimize and Operate cloud effectively.


Tags allow FinOps teams to allocate tags and arrange them. These tags then can be used for efficient budgeting, tracking performances and purchases, etc. Apart from that different cloud resources can be labeled to make use of accordingly

Detailed Reports 

Each FinOps team member is responsible for a part of cloud resource. To understand complex billing and cloud resources FinOps teams use detailed reports on resources. These reports helps these engineers understand the flow of money. On the basis of these report these FinOps members make important decisions.

Performance Reporting 

FinOps tools also offers performance reporting feature. This feature work by applying different metric on all the employees of the organizations. On the basis of the pre defined metrics, a rating number is assigned to every department in the organization. This rating determines their performance. 

This performance reporting help FinOps member identify strong and weak Departments. This data is then used to cut costs and help weak departments reach their goal.

Easy Budgeting 

FinOps tools evaluate different factors to setup cloud budgets and forecast. These tools help the team analysis the area where cost can be cut down. Moreover these budgeting tools also provides data that help assign reasonable budget to different departments.

Benefits of FinOps 

The rise of cloud computing no doubt have brought agility and many other benefits. As more and more organizations are transforming to cloud based system it is becoming more and more difficult for them to control their spending and achieve their goal. Over 70% of the organization that have transformed to hybrid and multi cloud offering are short on their goals.

FinOps is the best practice that with collaboration of DevOps can not only help these organizations achieve their set goals but it will also help these organization cut their expenditures to become cost effective.

FinOps - cost effective solution

FinOps provides a framework that lets DevOps perform their tasks with agility and speed. Hence building a trust across departments.


The complex cloud structure can be a difficult cost management system for organizations. Many factor have to be taken in and carefully examined to make any decision in that environment. This not only makes the business harder but also slows down the growth of an organization. Therefore FinOps is a practical cost management solution for cloud based businesses. 


FinOps handles these complicated cloud businesses by dividing the work into different phases. These phases are repeated until the set goal is achieved. Different FinOps tools are used to collect information and allocate resources. This framework of is very beneficial for businesses to take full control.

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